Daphne Lariba Nabila
Executive Director
She obtained her Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) Degree from the University of Ghana and her Master’s Degree (LL.M.) in Law from Harvard Law School. She is a Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Ghana, having obtained a Certificate to Practice Law from the Ghana School of Law. In the last five years her role as the Executive Director, and her service for the past 16 years have been tremendous for the Legal Resources Centre (LRC), a human rights and development NGO based in Ghana. She leads the team to accomplish its Strategic Plan; she works to strengthen the two (2) programmes (Human Rights Cities Programme and the Research, Advocacy, Advisory Services Programme). She also works closely with the Board to raise funds for the ordinary operations and the establishment of an endowment and building fund for the LRC. Her research interests are in the intersection of human rights, policy, development issues and legal pluralism.

Joseph Awekoli Asobayire
Director, Finance & Administration
Joseph is the Director of Finance and Administration of the Legal Resources Centre (LRC). He has a Masters of Business Administration in Finance, a Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration and a Certificate in Monitoring and Evaluation from the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration, (GIMPA) He has a Bachelor of Arts Secretaryship Degree (BSEC) and a Diploma in Education (Dip. Ed.), from the University of Cape Coast. He owns a certificate in French from Village du Benin, Republique Togolaise, Togo. He is a Senior Management Team member, directly responsible to the Executive Director and responsible for the preparation of financial statements, financial reports, budgets, cash flow projections, payroll management budget performance and monitoring and accounts for audits. He provides leadership and direction in the formulation of financial management policies and procedures. He develops updates and implements Administrative policies and procedures, undertakes Human Resource Planning and Development, Performance Management, Compensation Management and labor relations, and ensures adherence with statutory regulations, Develops and implements LRC strategic plan. He has financially managed several magnitudes of funds from both internal and external governmental and international donor agencies including Ghana government, World Bank, US Department of State, USAID, UKaid, DANIDA, EU, UNDP, ILO, DFID, WATH, GRAP, RAVI, AED, Action Aid and STAR-Ghana.

Samuel Fant Kombian
Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Specialist
Samuel holds Master of Science degree in Project Management and Bachelor of Science degree in Development Planning from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST). He also holds Certificate in Designing and Implementing Monitoring and Evaluating Systems from Alison, Certificate in Monitoring and Evaluation from GIMPA, Certificate in Understanding Economic Development (from Poverty to Development) from University of Oxford, and Certificate in Computer Software (Microsoft Suit) from Clinton Computer Institute. Samuel is a certified Project Management for Development Professional (PMDPro). He is a member of Ghana Monitoring and Evaluation Forum (GMEF), and Young Emerging Evaluators of Ghana (YEE).
Samuel is a dedicated and committed Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Specialist with over 12 years of working experience. Proven track record of improving output rates in donor funded projects including USAID, World Bank, DFID, Global Fund and Mastercard Foundation in Health, Lands, Agricultural, Fisheries and Legal sectors while developing the analytical and critical thinking skills necessary to thrive. He designs and implement monitoring, evaluation and learning systems, capacity building, conducts surveys and evaluations using electronic data collection and analysis tools, conducts routine monitoring visit, tracks project progress, and project outcome reporting.

Robert Tettey Nomo Jnr.
Programmes Officer
Robert holds a Bachelor of Law (LLB) degree from Central University, Ghana and a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology and English from the University of Ghana, Legon. He is the Internship Coordinator for the International Lawyering Internship programme of the LRC. As a programmes officer he has coordinated various projects including the UNDP sponsored project “Ensuring Access to Justice through awareness creation and running of Legal aid clinics in marginalized population in selected regions in Ghana. He is currently a Programmes Officer to the Death Penalty project, the OSIWA project and the Justice for Children project. He works directly with the Executive Director and other team members in implementing activities under the projects. He is enthused to achieve results for human development through hard work and has a passion to help the poor and render support to the marginalized.

Enock Jengre
Programmes Officer/Rule of Law Specialist
Enock is a Programme Officer at the LRC. He is also a Rule of Law Specialist on the USAID Justice Sector Support Activity which monitors the implementation of Ghana Case Tracking System (CTS). He is a graduate with a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) degree from the School of Law, University of Ghana, Legon. He holds a Master of Philosophy (MPhil) degree in Social Administration and a Bachelor of Arts (B.A) degree in Integrated Business Studies from the University for Development Studies, Ghana. He also holds a Certificate in Road Safety from the Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit, Nairobi, Kenya. Prior to joining the LRC in 2016, he worked as a Teaching Assistant at the Department of Law and Legal Studies, School of Business and Law, University for Development Studies. At the LRC, he conducts research and advocacy on topical issues impacting on projects. He has at least eleven (11) years working experience in Ghana`s justice delivery system. His recent research study into Ghana`s criminal justice system with lessons from other jurisdictions is being used as advocacy for reforms in harnessing the uptake of technology in Ghana`s justice delivery space. He also serves as the lead technical expert in developing, coordinating and evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of a robust monitoring plan for the CTS. He ensures that sustainability principles are incorporated into all implemented interventions, as well as building programmatic synergies with the criminal justice administration strengthening initiatives ongoing in the sector to avoid duplication.
Enock has skills in project management, monitoring and evaluation. He has attended many workshops, seminars and conferences at both national and international levels and presented papers. His research interests are in the areas of policy advocacy and influencing, access to justice, human rights, law and development, the nexus between technology and the law, gender and cultural issues and sustainable development. He is skilled in conducting both academic and industry research, writing proposals for funding, capacity building and offers consultancy services. To his credit, Enock has published a number of articles in internationally recognized journals. He has since 2019 been a reviewer for Elsevier academic publishing company and the Open Journal of Leadership (OJL), a Scientific Research Publishing Incorporation based in the United States.

Dora Adu
Administrative Officer
Dora holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Studies, from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) and a Certificate in Monitoring and Evaluation from Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA). She works directly with the Director of Finance and Administration to provide direction on administrative aspects of the LRC’s Work.